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Books & Articles

Forward Focused Learning

New or aspiring talent development executives can learn a lot from the best of the best, the high-performing, award winning companies responding to increased pressure to deliver business value. Rich in examples of what's worked, this book is a must read for anyone setting learning strategy or managing the learning function. 

forward focused learning book cover

Measuring The Success of Learning Through Technology

"Learning through technology has advanced dramatically in the past decade. The investment has mushroomed. Now is the time to demonstrate the business value for this investment in terms that executives understand. In this book, three seasoned professionals show you how to do it and provide examples of how it has been done."

--Brandon Hall, PhD

Founder, Brandon Hall Group

measuring book cover

Chief Talent Officer

"Once again, Jack, Patti, and Tamar have presented us with a touchstone for the profession…it is practical, insightful, encouraging and candid. This book provides the framework for successful CLOs with clearly-marked guideposts for those who aspire to become the CLOs who will shepherd organizations into the future. Well done!' 

--Rebecca L Ray, PhD,

Executive Vice President, The Conference Board

the chief talent officer book cover

The Chief Learning Officer

"Drawing from interviews, survey data, and rich corporate experience, this book brings definition and clarity to a senior leadership role that an ever-increasing number of leading companies are regarding as critical to their success. By situating the CLO’s role in the broader organizational context, the book also does a lot to highlight the important connection between organizational learning and organizational strategy."
-- Joel M. Podolny,

Former Dean, Apple University 

book cover chief learning officer.


Today's Chief Learning Officer: Tamar Elkeles- A CLO of the Decade

Equity of Access to Leadership Development in a World of Squares

The Value of Human Capital Experts on Boards

Today's Learning Agenda Exposed

Technology and Training

TD Profile: Tamar Elkeles

Becoming a Chief Talent Officer

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